What is the Meaning of Byte

Byte is used for measuring the storage capacity in computer information technology. This article will tell you what byte is and the related units.

Bytes (/bait/ n. [C]), a measurement unit, is used for measuring the storage capacity in computer information technology. It also means data type and language characters in some computer programming languages.

B & bit

Data storage applies “Byte” as a unit, while data transmission is mostly based on “bit”. A bit is a 0 or 1 (or binary system), and every eight bits (abbreviated as b) forms a Byte (abbreviated as B). And bit is the minimum units of information.

B & iB





Hard disk manufacturers use the “GiB” (decimal system, or ten to the third power equals to 1000. Such as: 1 MiB = 1000 KB) for calculating. And the computer operating systems are based on GB (binary system, or 10 to the square power. Such as: 1 MB = 1024 KB). But the domestic users always think that the 1MiB equals to 1M (or 1024 KB).

According to the hard disk vendors’ and users’ different understanding for 1 MB (based on the rule: 1 MB = 1024 KB), a lot of 160 g hard disks can not reach the capacity of 160 g. This can explain the problem why the capacity of a new hard disk (shortchanged one) is not what it is marked.

Tip: In a computer, if you find the disk space is not enough for data storage, you are allowed to enter Windows Disk Management to change the partition size. Or the third-party software – MiniTool Partition Wizard is also useful to resize the partition.
Note: 10 TB approximately equals to the storage capacity of a human brain.

Data Type

Byte data type (or Byte type) uses a Byte for storage. It can differentiate 256 figures. And the value range is from 0 to 255. Byte is an unsigned type which ranges from 0 to 255. So it can’t denote a negative number.